Physical Computing with the Arduino

👋🏼 Hi, welcome 👋🏼

You will learn the basics of physical computing with the Arduino.
This includes learning to know and setting up the workflow, reading and reproducing circuits, program the Arduino, ...

Arduino Board & IDE

Arduino is an open source physical computing platform based on a simple input/output (I/O) board and a computer program.
Arduino can be used to develop standalone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer, such as Processing, the internet with a.o. P5.JS, Pure Data, TouchDesigner, VVVV, Max, ...


  1. Getting Ready - the arduino board & software
  2. Getting Started - hello world with a blinking LED
  3. Getting Physical - wiring diagrams, schematics, common components
  4. Push it - with a pushbutton
  5. Advanced Sensors - analog sensors
  6. PWM - fading LEDs & the servo motor

Additional Learning resources:

  • The learn & tutorials sections on the arduino website are really helpful to get you started.
  • See also this Great Website if you want to learn more about the fundamentals of electricity, or delve deeper into physical computing.
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